EH+ Entertainment
EH+ Entertainment from EH+ Productions is your go to place for everything you want to hear about pop culture. Whether it’s what’s new in movies, the hottest thing in comics, or the next big thing, we’ll have it for you. The guys are your guides through just about anything you can to nerd out on. And remember, the best part is that it’s all in canon.
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 067 - Summer Slummer
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Its Sunday, you know what that means....
This week on the geek and pop culture news roundup Boris and Phil talk Crypto and how there is looming regulation eyeing up the market. We also talk about the threat of further supply chain delays due to COVID-19 regarding computer chips. The world is emerging from our forced COVID- 19 coma, the box office numbers are trending up so how are the movies doing? We take a look at some international numbers. It's here, we knew it was coming, its like Godzilla but for video game hype, yes folks, E3 2021 is alive! We give our summary about what we know so far so have a listen and enjoy!
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Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 066 - Review BBQ
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Its Thursday, you know what that means!
This episode Boris and Phil talk about all the stuff they are playing, reading and watching. There is a SPOILER warning on this, as we chat about the Bad Batch, Sweet Tooth and Loki. We also do some fun dives into other TV shows that are streaming and airing, a look into the comics catching our eyeballs this week and of course novels too. Its a big week for gaming as we count down the release of some Sony PlayStation 5 games in Final Fantasy 7 and the new Ratchet and Clank release.
You can send all feedback to
Subscribe to our RSS feed Here
Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Its Canon Podcast: NXT TLK Special - NWA When Our Shadows Fall Review
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
We have a special preview episode of NXT TLK. NXT is a podcast that reguarly appears on the Sunday Nights Main event patreon feed. We wanted to let you know what you've been missing. Learn all about Sunday Nights Main Event, Canada's premier wrestling radio program and check out their Patreon here
NXT TLK Reviews NWA When Our Shadows Fall
On this special episode of NXT TLK, the Young Guns (Boris and Matt) TLK NWA. We review NWA When Our Shadows fall. Does this show feel old school? What do we think of the overall product? Is this a good jumping on point for a new viewer? We will answer all of these questions and more on our review of the PPV.
You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @NXTTalkPodcast
Send us all your feedback or retro requests to
Boris: Instagram, Twitter
Matt: Instagram, Twitter
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 065 - Hot Geek Summer
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Its Sunday, you know what that means....
This week Boris and Phil bring you the nerdified pop culture news extravaganza! We jump in on the big Netflix news - it's a shocker - that the newest show in Jupiter’s Legacy, less than 1 month in has been cancelled! Are we mad? Did we see it coming? Tune in to find out.
As well we dive into Crypto Currency and all that NFT / Stonk stuff in looking at trends in the marketplace and the different levels of adoption around the world. We had a week off so we have to discuss the upcoming E3 conference and the overall state of development with the current gen games. Finally we do a little roundup of what's been keeping our eyeballs happy this past bit. Grab a drink and throw on some headphones, the iT’s Canon Podcast is here!
You can send all feedback to
Subscribe to our RSS feed Here
Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Its Canon Podcast Preview: NXT TLK 030 - Coles Rampage Bay Bay
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
We have a special preview episode of NXT TLK. NXT is a podcast that reguarly appears on the Sunday Nights Main event patreon feed. We wanted to let you know what you've been missing. Learn all about Sunday Nights Main Event, Canada's premier wrestling radio program and check out their Patreon here
NXT TLK 030: Coles Rampage Bay Bay
This week on the show the Young Guns (Boris and Matt) are remote BUT we still have a jam packed show talking all things NXT and Pro Wrestling. This weeks show features:
Recap, analysis and review of NXT TV from June 1st 2021 which had a chaotic first hour with non excellent wrestling, non finishes and back to back segments full of story.
We will chat some NXT UK in NXT UK Corner
We will close the show by giving you the results of our Pick Contest from AEW: Double or Nothing and give you our picks for NWA: When Our Shadows Fall
You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @NXTTalkPodcast
Send us all your feedback or retro requests to
Boris: Instagram, Twitter
Matt: Instagram, Twitter
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 064 - Review Tiramisu
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Its Wednesday, you know what that means! (Yes i know its Tuesday)
This week on the show that talks all things Geek and Pop culture features Tyler, Boris and Phil talking about comics and books for the current (and past) pulls. We give light takes and recommendations on what's new and captivating our eyes. We also take some time to dig into what we have been playing for video games - BioMutant and Returnal really is showing some interest with the gang. Finally we take a look at what's fun from Love, Death and Robots V2, to Great North, Oxygen, Bad Batch and finally our favorite director (sarcasm intended) Zach Snyder's Army of the Dead on Netflix. Somehow we jam it all into an hour so queue up the show and light the lights, it's ‘The its Canon Podcast’ for you tonight!
You can send all feedback to
Subscribe to our RSS feed Here
Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary
Sunday May 23, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 063 - He is Back
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Its Sunday, you know what that means....
Its another week on the show that talks about all things pop culture and geek is. In this episode Boris, Phil and (drum roll please) Tyler bring you the week's news roundup. Yes, we found the guy and managed to pry him from his escapades long enough for a show. What a week it was for news with the Warner Brothers and Discovery deal announced, we discussed what it could mean for content as well as the marketplace competition. Big news in the Apple v Epic court case, Disney using microtransactions in their parks, the collecting market, Crypto currency and of course NFTs. Sit back and relax while listening to the band getting back together!
You can send all feedback to
Subscribe to our RSS feed Here
Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary
Sunday May 16, 2021
Its Canon Podcast 062 - All Hail the Mouse
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Its Sunday, you know what that means....
This week Boris and Phil take on the Geek and Pop Culture news. We chat about Disney and the changes within leadership, the digital release world we now live in as well as the rising box office numbers as the world tries to get out of pandemic mode. We chat about Sony and PS5 sales and availability. A lively talk about the MCU and movies existing outside of it, good idea or bad? A week can’t go by without discussing Video games as we chat the news from Ubisoft about its forward strategy and what it really is signaling to gamers. Grab a drink and take a seat and listen to the Podcast that talks about anything and everything, the podcast that talks about everything Geek, the podcast that talks all things Pop Culture.
You can send all feedback to
Subscribe to our RSS feed Here
Boris - @br_aguilar
Tyler - @Tyler_RoI
Phil - @philtobin
You can find the Its Canon Podcast on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook
Music Credit:
Huge thanks to the following artists. Check out their work below!
"It's Canon" by Kevin O'Leary